Complete Brainwave Training Program

We've had a few questions about this collection of albums, so here's some additional info on it. The program is progressive in nature. New meditators would benefit most by starting with Seminar 1: Awakening  and Seminar 2: Refinement to develop the brainwave mastery skills that quiet beta, sustain alpha, explore theta, and begin to stabilize the Awakened Mind pattern.


Advanced meditators with a stabilized or nearly stabilized Awakened Mind pattern could begin with Seminar 3: Mastery and/or Seminar 4: Transcendence.


Please feel free to write Judith with any questions.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Erika (Wednesday, 16 August 2023 00:53)

    I live in Slovenia, Europe, I am 65 years old, I retired from work in March 2022. As I am single and have no children, I am quite lost in this traditional country where almost all women of my age are fully involved with their families. I don't know what to do with the rest of my life, so when I was surfing the internet, I found the information about the Mind Mirror. I don't have money for purchasing this device, but I am seriously considering buying the Seminars 1 and 2 of your program. I listened to some interviews on YouTube and I have a strong feeling that this is definitely something that could help me in this confused stage of my life. However, I am not skillful in the virtual world, so I am not sure I would know how to use these programs. Do I get a link from you after paying? What if I can't access the material? I think I will first need some technical help and later probably some more practical advice regarding the meditations.
    I look forward to your answe.
    My email address is:
    Many thanks in advance.